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Þ¬í‚è£ñ™ ð®‚è «õ‡´‹. Þ¶ ºî™ «î¬õ. õN Dynamic
Fonts. õ£êè˜ å¼ Þ¬íòŠ ð‚般î ܬö‚°‹
«ð£¶ Ü‰îŠ ð‚è‹ îù‚°ˆ «î¬õò£ù ⿈¶ õ®õˆ¬î»‹
àì¡ Ü¬öˆ¶õó«õ‡´‹.
Þ‰îˆ ªî£N™ ¸†ðˆ¬î õöƒ°õ¶
TrueDoc GÁõù‹.
Þõ˜èO¡ Web Font Player ªî£°Š¹
å¼ HTML ð‚è‹ îù‚°ˆ «î¬õò£ù
Dyanmic Font file¬ô î£ù£è«õ
ܬöˆ¶ àð«òA‚è õN õ°‚Aø¶. The Web Font Player
(a binary file) will be downloaded on the first time and get installed
as a plug-in to the browser. Again, this happens hands free, but,
with client's consent to install a plug-in.
ܶ õ£êè˜èO¡ ð‚è‹. ÞQ
⿈˜èO¡ ð‚è‹, Dynamic Font
«õ‡´‹. ÞF™ àœ÷ ï™ô Mûò‹ (Ü™ô¶ ªè†ì
Mûò‹) ⿈¶‚èœ îò£K‚èŠð´‹«ð£«î ÞõŸ¬ø
ð£M‚è Þ¼‚°‹ Þ¬íòˆ î÷ƒèO¡ URL õ¬óòÁ‚èŠðì
«õ‡´‹. Þîù£™  F¼õ£÷˜ Mèìù£K¡ ⿈¶‚èœ
âù‚° 裬ô õ£KM†ìù.
Dynamic font files are created using the Web Font Wizard supplied by
TrueDoc. You have to supply the URLs that will be using the fonts
created and the *.ttf file of the desired font. The catch is, the
Wizard will allow you to convert only 10 fonts free of charge.
After that you have to purchase and register the software. But for
any academic or non-commercial use, 10 number of fonts are more
than enough.
Hó²K‚°‹ ð°F êK. «õèñ£è
⿶‹ º¬ø â¡ù. ܬ 𣘊«ð£‹ õ£¼ƒèœ... |
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ð£ó£†® õó«õŸèŠð†ì å¼ ªî£N™ ¸†ð‹ â¡ð¶‹
Internet Explorer 6.0 àì¡
Þòƒ°Aø¶ â¡ð¶‹ °PŠHìˆî‚è¶.
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